About Us

Advanced Clinician Solutions is a new agency that provides Non-Medical Clinicians.  

Advanced Clinician Solutions delivers high quality Advanced Clinical Practitioners, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Advanced  Practice Nurses, Paramedic Practitioners,  Community Nurses, Nurse Associates , and Health Care  Assistants to all streams of Primary and non-scheduled care centres.  

Historically many primary care trusts/networks have struggled with the inception of an Advanced Clinical Practitioner team as there are very few practitioners working at the level required to make a meaningful impact in General Practice or Primary care setting from the get-go. We can help convert those staff that have less belief in non-medical practitioners by role modelling with feet on the ground in the General Practice and Primary care settings. By providing highly skilled Clinician’s agency member of staff that can stand alone to help share workloads and improve service provision. 

We also provide highly skilled and specialist Practice Nurses, Nurse Associates and Health Care Assistants to meet the needs of the general practice population.  


contact us to see how AdvanceD Clinician Solutions can work with your organisation to provide safe and effective care